Can’t trust an astral projector

“I fucking knew it!” David shouted as he leapt through the doorway.
“Oh!” Sebastian gasped. He scrambled to cover up David’s mom’s tits. “Oh, um, David, honey, what are you doing up here?”
“Don’t try that bullshit. I know it’s you, Sebastian. I was poking your body and when you didn’t wake up I figured you projected yourself up here.”
“Fine,” Sebastian said, dropping the pretense. “I did.”
Sebastian had revealed to David that he’d learned how to astral project himself into someone else’s body. A few weeks later David had invited him to sleepover. David grew suspicious when he saw how much of an eye Sebastian kept on his mom. And he grew even more suspicious when Sebastian professed to be tired and went to bed early.
David had poked and prodded Sebastian’s body enough to wake him up if his spirit had been inside, and he had no doubt where Sebastian had flitted off to.
David had arrived just in time, and he glared at Sebastian as Sebastian grumpily tucked his body back into the lavender dress. Things were just starting to get good, too.
“Get out of there,” David demanded.
“Fine,” Sebastian grumbled.
He lay down on bed while David waited in the doorway. When David was finally sure Sebastian had exited his mom, he went down to check on Sebastian’s body. You just can’t trust an astral projector who lusts after your mom.

Body swap with MILF

A middle-aged man takes the place of his boss’s gorgeous daughter for a night in Natalie for a Night, on Smashwords and Amazon or wherever ebooks are sold. Preview here.

One comment

  1. Amazing this can be turned into series of swaps ❤️✨ Like sister, cousin, Girlfriend or Aunt.
    This looks very entertaining

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