My boss’s mind

I slipped into my boss’s mind just as she lowered herself onto her husband. He slid inside her. Me. Us.
His girth pressed us apart, gliding quickly up, dick curving to follow the walls of our pussy until it just touched our cervix. Pleasure flashed like lightning through my boss’s mind, sweeping me with it. I could feel her inside with me, still in control but with an invisible passenger sharing every blissful sensation.
My entire weight now rested on her husband’s groin. He was inside us. Thick and full. A feeling we were so desperate for.
We moaned, our voice fluttering and frail, the fullness bringing a pleasure bordering on pain. He reached up for us, grasped our twin breasts and squeezed roughly, fingers digging in to our sensitive skin.
Our mouth dropped open, the pain rendering us speechless, joining as it did with the bright pressure building within our core. We rocked back and forth on his amazing girth, rolling our hips over him, each slight motion sending another burst of light and noise through our mind.
The explosion was sudden and intense and we clenched our eyes shut in shock and joy and delight as he came inside us. Christ, each pump of that long cock buried inside us sent more shoots of pleasure through us. He filled us with his cum, pumping up until he’d emptied himself completely and his thick seed pooled out of our sopping cunt.

Five previously published erotic body swapping stories, available on Smashwords, Amazon, or Body Swap Stories.

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