
Jason knelt in the bathroom, his breasts rising and falling with each heavy breath as he tried to get hold of himself. He stared down at the slender body he now possessed, fighting down the panic at the sight of the perky tits..
Even the clothes he’d tried to hide himself in had morphed in this latest incantation. His underwear transforming into sexy lingerie that left his delicate-looking pussy bare. His jeans morphed into sheer stockings. His shoes into sexy red pumps. The transformations were definitely speeding up.
His friends were outside in the living room waiting for him. What would they think when he walked out as a stunning, naked brunette? What effect would the curse have on them?
Not for the first time, Jason wished he’d never touched the idol. Maybe if he returned it the curse would be lifted. First, he had to get back to the dig site, which wasn’t easy when he couldn’t get dressed.
He’d tried tying a towel around him, but the towel had dissolved into nothingness. Everything he tried to use to hide his body had evaporated. His only choice was to go out into the world. Like this.
As he stood, a tremor passed through him. That wasn’t good. The last tremor had made his cock disappear. There didn’t seem to be any more physical changes, though there was nothing physical left to change.
He took a step forward and nearly fell as he shuddered with delight, steadying himself on the sink. What the fuck was hat? He tried another step but every time his thighs whispered together a wave of pleasure swept through him, leaving his new pussy wet and growing a deep emptiness inside.

After Eric’s mom passes, his dad makes a deal with a demon to get her back, but the demon grants his desire by transforming Eric into a copy of his own mom in Mothered, only on Smashwords. Preview here.


  1. Those darned cursed idols… Why can I never find one to change me into a walking wet dream??? Totally against my own will of course. 😁

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