Hitchhiker (Part 3)

We drove in the awkward silence that comes after a friend, a guy you’ve known for a long time and like-but-not-in-that-way declares his attraction to you. Jeff was a nice guy but we were just missing…something. I gave him the whole “let’s just be friends” spiel that you give to guys who ambush you with these sorts of declarations. And after that we just drove home from Vanessa’s party. I stared out the window, one hand absently fiddling with the tight blue dress I’d bought for the occasion. I rested my cheek on my other hand and stared out the window, letting my dark, wavy hair drape down over my face so it partially hid my view of Jeff.

We reached a stop light and I was so lost in my thoughts that it took me almost a full minute to realize a guy on the corner was staring at me intently. I’d been stared at a lot, as an attractive woman with an H sized bra you get used to it, among other things. I stared back at him but he gave no recognition, as if he was looking through me. He was a nice looking guy, nothing weird about him, a little scruffy but that was the look these days. Well-defined jaw, toned muscular arms, tight blue tank top that showed off his -admittedly sexy- upper body. I’d definitely have talked to him if he chatted me up. But that stare was just creepy. The light turned green and we drove on.

And that’s when my life changed forever.

A wave of vertigo hit me and I closed my eyes. When I opened them again I found myself kneeling down on a street corner. I blinked, trying to figure out what happened. There was no sort of accident I could see, everyone was acting normal. Was that Jeff’s car driving off? An old woman stopped and looked down at me.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

“Yes, I’m-” My voice was so deep. I cleared my throat, another loud baritone, and rubbed my neck. Felt stubble. Looked down. Blue tank top. My arms, so muscular. I flexed my hands, man hands. Patted my body. My solid chest. My legs. My…bulging shorts. I stood. Towered over the old lady. So tall. Looked at myself again. Disbelief. My hands to my face. Feeling the stubble. Strong jaw. Prominent nose. Bald head. Is this what it’s like to go crazy?

“You don’t look well,” the old lady said.

“I’m fine.” I was hyperventilating. “Fine. Fine.” I trailed off, started walking, anywhere, just to be away, alone for a minute, off the street so I could get my head together. I ducked into a restaurant, head down, avoiding eye contact and pushed into the restroom.

“Hey, this is the women’s room!” a female voice shouted at me. I mumbled an apology and quickly turned back and fumbled my way into the men’s room. It was empty, thank goodness. I locked the door and leaned heavily on the sink to stare into the mirror where I got the first close-up view of my new body: young, bald, ripped body. I looked like Vin Diesel in the way that any young, bald, muscular Italian guy looks like Vin Diesel. I turned my face this way and that, examining from different angles. Then I stood up and took stock of my body, my skin tight outfit left very little to the imagination as I flexed an arm. Holy crap, it felt so…powerful, so raw, I guess was the only way to describe it. As a woman I ate well and kept myself relatively fit but this was a whole new level of fitness.

The bulge in my shorts was calling me. I cautiously stretched up the waistband of my underwear and peeked inside. Yeah, that was a dick, and holy shit, what a dick. I reached in with one of my muscular hands and gently pulled it out. Enormous was the first word that came to mind, followed by gigantic and then, oddly, ‘Can of Pringles’. It was hot in my hand. My cock. MY cock. I felt equal parts so-this-is-what-all-the-fuss-is-about?- and I-want-to-stick-my-dick-everywhere-and-fuck-the-whole-world. I squeezed it and it…stayed the same. Fuck, this is weird. I put it away and stared back at my reflection.

What do I do now? I’ll call Jeff, tell him what’s going on and to come back here. But I only know his number as ‘Favorite 3’ and why would he believe me anyway? I’ll call myself and tell him–her–me…what? That I want my body back? Is he even in my body? Am I just going crazy? Calm down. Think. I pat my pockets, find a phone and a credit card wrapped in cash. Ok, I can text my body, something innocuous in case…in case, I don’t know, in case I am crazy or something. I take a picture of myself and text:

Allen Request

I think I have something of yours

I wait a few seconds but I’m fidgety, I have to keep moving, have a plan in case my body doesn’t answer. Let’s keep this quiet for now. Jeff was taking me back to my place, hopefully he still will and I’ll meet whoever’s in my body there so we can settle this quietly. Or I can confirm I’ve lost my mind.

I headed out to call a cab.


The cab dropped me off at my house some time later. The upstairs lights were on so my body must be home. I didn’t know what else to do so I knocked on the door. When no one answered I dug the hidden key out of its hidden spot in the rock garden and quietly entered the house. If nothing else I was getting the hang of moving around in this male body. My only complaint was that I had to keep fidgeting with my dick, it was like it was constantly in the way. How do men walk around with these things hanging between their legs all day?

I heard running water from the upstairs bath so I padded upstairs, dread and anger building up within me at every step. How did he do it? How could I get my body back?

My heart pounded as I gripped the doorknob in a large, sweaty hand and slowly opened it.

My body was in the shower with its back towards the door and she didn’t hear me come in, which gave me a moment to overcome the wave of vertigo and out of body creepiness that came from watching my own body from an unfamiliar perspective move without me controlling it. My body was leaned over, butt sticking out (was my ass really that big?) scrubbing herself off and from the looks of it, thoroughly enjoying my breasts. One hand cupped a breast from underneath while the other slowly rinsed it. The pervert seemed to be enjoying himself.

“Hey!” I shouted because, well, I didn’t know what else to shout. She looked up at me in fright.
Nadine-Tub“Who are you?” she asked in a shaking voice as she tried to cover her massive breasts. When I heard my own voice from outside my body it brought back the unreality of the whole situation but I plunged through the foggy feeling of unreality.

“I don’t know, but that’s my body and I want it back.” I stepped towards my former body.

“Hannah?” she asked. “Hannah, wait, it’s me! I’m Jeff.”

I paused. Was this a trick? “What do you mean?”

I watched my face fall. “Hannah, somehow he swapped our bodies.”

He briefly told me what happened as I stood there stunned, the steam from the shower condensing on my muscular, bare arms.

“And then he drove away and I haven’t seen him since.” my body started sniffling. “What are we going to do?”

“I don’t know. I don’t know.” I said, “I’m stuck in this body and…at least you know who you are.”

“I don’t want to be you, Hannah!”

She turned off the water and began crying. I stepped towards her and we hugged, my arms wrapped around my familiar body as she pressed her head into my neck.

In the first few days we searched for Jeff’s body but found no trace. It soon became clear that we were stuck like this, he in my body and me in a stranger’s body, and we would have to make this all work somehow. Fortunately, Jeff was able to step into my role at the office and continue my job, if not my life. I was stuck with no ID and no idea who I was.

I began experimenting with my new body, trying to get familiar with being a man and everything that changed: the way the I walked and talked, the way I dressed, the way people treated me and, of course, the dick. The dick was always there. It was strange for Jeff and me but we slowly adapted, we didn’t really have a choice. There was one positive thing out of all of this: the whole experience brought us closer together. After a few weeks Jeff began dropping hints about how he’d like me to show him more about the body he was stuck in, my body. And one day I came home to find him waiting for me on the bed, his legs crossed in the air and his large breasts, breasts that I knew well, spilling out of his tight umber colored dress.

Nadine in Bed

“Hi, Dex.” he said in my seductive voice, calling me by the name I’d chosen, “I’ve been waiting for you.”

Something stirred within me at the sight of this gorgeous woman waiting on the bed for me. Even though it was my former body it seemed new and exciting. Jeff’s eyes were drawn to the rising bulge in my pants and he smiled.

“Don’t be afraid of it,” he said, “Pull out your cock. Explore it. Stroke it.”

I unzipped my pants and let them fall to the floor, then the same with my underpants until my massive cock was freed. I tentatively grasped it in one masculine hand, gently gripped the hot shaft that was now my own yet outside of my control. It leapt to attention despite myself, driven by the sight of my lovely former body that was oozing with desire. I slowly stroked my cock, feeling the ridge, the head, every bump and curve, enjoying the soft hardness as I slowly advanced towards the bed.

“Climb on top of me,” he said, “I want you to fuck these tits like I’ve been imagining.”

I climbed up and sat over her waist. I stroked my cock between her two breasts as she smiled up at me. She opened her mouth and each stroke brought me further inside her wet warmth. I grabbed her tits and wrapped them around my cock, sliding my dick through them and into her mouth as she licked the head and took the shaft in and out of her mouth with each stroke. The massive tits that used to be mine were driving me wild, I wanted to bite them, to own them, to fuck them and I gripped them harder, pounded my cock deeper into her mouth and she took it all and smiled. She brought her hands up and helped wrap her tits even tighter around my cock as I increased my stroke. In and out through her tits, my desire overpowering me, urging me on as I fucked the breasts of this delicate, strong beautiful woman while she sucked my giant cock. I thrust harder as the pleasure reverberated through my body, faster and tighter. winding me up in a gorgeous tension until I thought I would burst and then I did. My new cock spasmed as I released the full wave of my pleasure through her breasts and into her mouth. My hot cum filled her mouth and she choked and tried to recover, swallowing as much as she could while the rest dripped down her lips. When I was through I felt a peaceful emptiness and she smiled up at me.

“I never thought I’d like that. Now it’s your turn, show me what this body can do.”

I smiled back at her.

“Gladly,” I said, and dismounted. I slowly pulled her dress up over her thighs, thrilled as each inch revealed more of her sexy legs until at last her sex, my former sex, was revealed to me. As a woman I had never thought my pussy to be beautiful, but as a man I wanted to own it, to bask in its succour, it was gorgeous, the object of my desire. I lowered my head towards her already moistened folds and ran a long, slow tongue up and down her pussy, tasted her glorious womanhood as she breathed deeply. Several more careful licks and gentle kisses opened her petal and I darted my tongue in to lightly flick her flower. She gasped. I continued licking her folds, deeply, slowly, while I slid my fingers into her warm body. My tongue and fingers worked together as I revelled in my desire and hers. Her moans coming faster and louder and I increased my rhythm to match, played her body perfectly just as I knew it, pushing her up the precipice of pleasure, urging her on until her knees tightened against my head and her body writhed back and forth, captive to my caresses and the secret knowledge of her body while she screamed again and again, begged me to continue as her screams got faster and higher, she pushed her pussy into my mouth and I gorged, filled myself on her sweet scent as she screamed over and over as her body was racked with orgasms, uncontrollable as she lost herself to the pleasure of my body. Soon her cries tapered off, as did my caresses. I sat up and we stared into each other’s eyes, our desire revealed to each other. We had accepted our fate, and welcomed our new life together.


  1. “A final part” is quite the understatement, M! It could stand alone. And twisting to the female perspective for the finale was, well, a twist!

    Poor/lucky Jeff and Hannah! Sounds like they’ve go things worked out though. And they’ll be giving things a lot more of a workout from now on, I’m sure!!!


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