Got her story straight

Pete tied up his hair, enjoying how tiny and limber the prostitute’s body was. He paid a lot of money for prostitutes to come over and swap bodies with him for an hour or two. He liked to start off by taking a shower, slicking his new body down and getting it nice and clean as he fingered himself. Each one was slightly different, liking a different pressure, a different stroke. He got just as turned on by watching his bodies touch themselves as he did by the actual touch. Afterwards, he’d return to the bedroom and fuck himself.
The prostitutes new he would be borrowing their bodies. That’s why he paid so well. But what Pete didn’t know was that tonight, as he was tying up his hair in front of the mirror, she was laying out the groundwork to take over his life.
Yumi had been biding her time ever since she heard about Pete’s peculiar fetish, desperately trying to be the girl he picked next. Finally, it was her turn. As he was rising to his second orgasm in the shower, Yumi was covering her tracks. When he came out of the shower, cheeks glowing, wearing nothing but a robe, the police were already there to arrest the “intruder”.
They didn’t believe Pete when he claimed they’d swapped bodies. Yumi acted scared, blaming his ravings on some sort of mental issues. According to her, he’d broken into the house and pretended like he owned the place.
By the time Pete made bail, Yumi had got her story straight and paid off everyone at the escort agency to keep it that way. Pete was stuck as poor, little prostitute, while Yumi enjoyed the rich, masculine life she’d always envied.

I’ve teamed up with Lady Valiant to create Trophy Wife, a comic about a young man forcibly swapped into the body of his girlfriend’s stepmom and made to live her life for a week while she tries out his life. But with a body like this, maybe it’s not so bad…

Part 1 is available only on Body Swap Stories or through Lady Valiant’s Patreon. Enjoy!

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