Major change

Request: Hey! I’ve watched your caps for years now, and I was wondering if you’d do a revenge cap sortof? One where the drum major of the high schools marching band (Kayleigh) swaps bodied with a sax (Jake) because she has no friends, but the drum major is hot so Jake ends up liking it in the end while Kayleigh likes being a guy too? Cheers from Pittsburgh!

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  1. the frisst thing jay really wanted to do once he became a real girl was to put on girls clothing dresses skirts slips half silps panties and than he really wanted to put on make up esspecially lipstick jay loved lipsticjk and wanted tp put it on her new luusious lip’s!

  2. jay was now suzy annt girl he knew he was meant to have been all of her life now she had already taken to wearing dresses skirts and feminine underware bras panties she just ll
    loves putting on make up esspecially lipstick!

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