Wishing Well (M2F Swap) – Preview

Chester has had to fight for everything his whole life, and has ended up near the end bitter and alone. An errant wish finds him swapping bodies with Annabelle, a teenage woman who yearns for a simpler life. Now in her body, he experiences the highs and lows of being a cute, nerdy high schooler with an incredible figure in Wishing Well, now available on Smashwords, Amazon, or wherever ebooks are sold.

After school, Chester hurried to the theater for play rehearsal. Annabelle was only a minor character and didn’t have a huge part, which was fortunate for two reasons: one was that he only got yelled at once for not knowing his lines, and the other was that he got to spend more time with Jason. Chester wasn’t going to wait for Jason to make the first move. He felt Annabelle’s hesitance within him but, just like in his past life, he was going to take what he wanted.

He moved closer to Jason as they sat in the auditorium, whispering and giggling between scenes. Chester took any excuse to touch Jason on his arm or place a hand on his thigh, or let Annabelle’s limber young body brush past him. He was rewarded by Jason nonchalantly placing an arm around the back of Chester’s chair, allowing Chester to snuggle closer until he could smell Jason’s enticing, spicy scent.

At the end of rehearsal, one of Annabelle’s friends came up. “You ready to go home?”

Jason broke in before Chester could respond. “I can give you a ride home if you want.”

“Sure,” Chester smiled.

As they walked to Jason’s Jeep, Chester slipped his hand into Jason’s. Jason gripped him back snugly and comfortable, his huge hand engulfing Chester’s own dainty fingers. When Jason reached Annabelle’s house he pulled up to the street outside but left the engine running.

Chester looked over at him. “Turn off the car.”

Jason did, pulling up the parking brake before asking “Why?”

“So I can do this,” Chester said, leaning forward and kissing Jason on the lips.

Jason kissed him back immediately, bringing his hand up to stroke Chester’s cheek. Annabelle’s body melted at his touch, and Chester was suddenly dizzy with desire. He placed a slender hand on Jason’s broad chest to steady himself. The thumping of Jason’s heartbeat was the only soundtrack as they made out, eyes closed, enjoying the taste of each other. Chester’s slender nose was pressed against Jason’s cheek, the delicious scent of him filling Chester’s nostrils.

Jason’s lips were tender and his kiss was firm. Chester could feel the desire coming off him in waves. It fed the lust growing in Chester’s own body. They groped each other, hands sliding across bodies, stroking backs, petting each other, the thin layer of clothes the only thing stopping them from completely giving in to their desire. Chester so wanted to claw off Jason’s clothes and straddle him right there. Feel Jason’s girth inside as he thrust, moaning into Annabelle’s tight little body.

But he couldn’t do that to Annabelle. Not when he would be giving back her body. Instead, he pulled away from Jason and smiled.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he whispered, grabbing his stuff and exiting the car.

Jason finally managed to get over his astonishment enough to say “See you.”

Chester’s body was aching as he hurried through the front door, calling out a ‘hello’ to his mom as he passed her in the living room on the way upstairs. He dumped Annabelle’s backpack and trombone on the floor and searched through her nightstand. Fuck, his body needed to be touched right now. But more than that, if he didn’t get something inside him he felt he would explode. He came up empty from Annabelle’s nightstand. Not a vibrator to be found. Shit.

An idea struck him and he hurried across the hall to Annabelle’s parents’ bedroom. It was empty, so he hurried in and around to the bedside table with the frilly lamp. Opening up the drawer, he reached in the back and his fingers found something solid but with some give. He pulled it out, revealing Annabelle’s mom’s pink vibrator. It was vaguely dick shaped, with an elongated shaft and a thicker “cockhead”. There was also some lube. Chester took both back to his room and locked the door before tearing off his clothes and tumbling into bed, his tits bouncing merrily.

He stroked himself, hands wandering across Annabelle’s nubile form, feeling her soft curves. His tits were bouncy and warm, and he fondled them, gripping them every now and then before letting them drop and watching them bob down the side of his chest. God, they were so heavy to carry around all day but so incredible to play with. He stared down at his naked body as he manipulated his breasts, Annabelle’s fingers gliding across her soft curves, working their magic on his body. The anticipation pouring through him made him arch his back and stretch his legs.

Read the rest on Smashwords, Amazon, or wherever ebooks are sold.

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