Turn back time

“I just…can’t. You’ll understand one day,” Hannah had told Adam.
It couldn’t have been a breakup talk because they were never dating. Just friends. But it felt like a breakup talk.
Adam had worked up the nerve to tell Hannah how he felt about her, intending to do it after the movie. But she turned to him before he could say anything and let him down gently. Like she knew what he was going to do and she wanted to make the rejection easier. Afterwards, they’d grown apart quickly. Hanging out less and less until their lives went totally different directions.
Years later Adam still remembered that last day. Hannah looking at him with that hint of a smile on her pretty lips. Wearing that blue and white floral top that was tied beneath her epic breasts. her silky brown hair flowing gently down her body.
Adam checked in on her socials every now and then. Her change surprised him. It appeared she’d become a lesbian. Married a cute blonde. Had a family.
Now Adam lay dying in the hospice. Alone. He thought of Hannah. he wished he had a chance to change things. To go back to that day and do something different.
Adam’s eyes closed and he took his final breath.
But suddenly he was in Hannah’s room. Sitting on the couch watching a movie. Beside him, an arm thrown casually around the back of the couch was…himself.
He tried to remain calm. Told himself this couldn’t be happening. Glancing down he saw that dress. Hannah’s breasts. On his body. His wish had been granted, sending him back in time for a second chance. Only now he was in Hannah’s body.
This was too fucking weird. He sat still as the movie played on, his thoughts racing. He kept glancing at himself. No. That would be too strange to date himself. He wasn’t into guys. Even if the guy in question was himself.
After the movie ended, before old Adam could even speak, Adam-in-Hannah turned to him and began that difficult conversation. He fended off his old questions, finally shutting himself down with the words that had stung him so long ago and which he only now understood: “I just…can’t. You’ll understand one day.”

Three friends eat a magical treat that transforms them into sexy female versions of the costumes they wear in Trick and Treat, available on Body Swap Stories, Smashwords and Amazon. Preview here.

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