You cannot possibly think that I have any problem whatsoever with you composing my little addition into an full sequel in combination with such delicious embellishment from your thoughts!
Mind?! It’s almost as though our neurons are tangled in sensuous synchronicity, joined in the pleasure of each-others’ communication of this tale! One might even say that it’s like we’re giving each-other “mind” in a digital, sapphic-sixty-nine right out in front of all you fans and lurkers!!!
We should give each-other our pieces of mind pore often, M!!! (G knows mine is only working at about half-capacity lately!)
And I also love the fact that the main image is nearly a p.o.v!!!
Thank you for including my comments with your wondrous works, M!!!
“…Mind…”? You hope I don’t mind, M?!?
You cannot possibly think that I have any problem whatsoever with you composing my little addition into an full sequel in combination with such delicious embellishment from your thoughts!
Mind?! It’s almost as though our neurons are tangled in sensuous synchronicity, joined in the pleasure of each-others’ communication of this tale! One might even say that it’s like we’re giving each-other “mind” in a digital, sapphic-sixty-nine right out in front of all you fans and lurkers!!!
We should give each-other our pieces of mind pore often, M!!! (G knows mine is only working at about half-capacity lately!)
And I also love the fact that the main image is nearly a p.o.v!!!
Thank you for including my comments with your wondrous works, M!!!