
A freak accident causes a brother to swap bodies with his busty sister, and the longer he’s in her body the more he enjoys it in Shocked, available only on Body Swap Stories and Smashwords.

Gabe’s 18 year old twin sister is so annoying. Pretty and popular, all the other seniors in high school drool over her. Gabe is just the opposite. But everything changes when an electric shock causes the two siblings to swap bodies right before her boyfriend comes to visit.

Gabe agrees to pretend to be his sister until they can swap back. But the longer he’s in her busty body, the more comfortable he gets. Soon he’s exploring every inch of his new form and discovering just how amazingly sensitive his sister’s sexy body is.

He enjoys himself so much that he begins to think about staying her forever.

Even with his bedroom door closed and the headphones clamped firmly over his ears, Gabe had a hard time hearing his friend from the noise of his sister vacuuming the hall. Gabe sat at his desk, a huge monitor in front of him displaying the first-person shooter he was playing. He snuck his character through a bubblegum colored world, gun in hand while his radar registered shots in the distance.

The vacuum moved closer to his door, thunking into it a few times. Deliberately, Gabe thought. His sister, Brooke, trying to annoy him. She was such a pain in the ass. How in the hell could someone like her be his twin sister? Fraternal twins, but still.

Brooke had never bothered vacuuming before and was only doing it now because her new boyfriend, Miles, was coming over and she wanted to impress him. Like he’d care about cleanliness. Gabe figured Miles was just trying to get into Brooke’s pants. Or at least down her top.

Gabe’s sister had—and he shuddered to even think about it—the biggest pair of breasts he’d ever seen outside of a porno. In fact, their parents had scheduled a breast reduction for her later this year. It was really, when Gabe thought about it, emblematic of the unfairness of their situation. Brooke had the looks of the family and Gabe had the brains. At eighteen and deeply interested in the opposite sex who seemingly wanted nothing to do with him, Gabe would have traded anything to get the looks in the family. Brains certainly hadn’t attracted women. If anything, at his school, it was the opposite. His mom said they were just intimidated. Ha. Right.

The two siblings were such stark opposites most people would never know they were twins. Brooke had glossy blonde hair that tumbled in waves down to her shoulders. Gabe had greasy brown hair that stuck up at odd angles no matter what he tried to do to it. Brooke had big sky blue eyes, a heart-shaped face and a perfect ski-slope of a nose. Gabe had muddy brown eyes, a blobby face and bulbous nose. Brooke was popular and athletic, a leader of the school’s cheerleading squad where she shook her pom-poms and was tossed in the air as people cheered. Gabe had a few close friends, was a member of the computer club, and had built his own computer alone as the Star Wars soundtrack played in the background.

In the game over the headset, Gabe’s friend squawked something – a warning? A celebration? – and then Gabe’s character was peppered with shots from behind, the screen flashing red each time he was hit. Gabe jumped and dodged and tried to turn around. It didn’t help that he could barely hear the sound over the damn vacuuming. By the time he’d located the enemies firing on him it was too late. His character was downed.

Gabe tossed his headset onto the desk and stormed to the door. Yanking it open, he found his sister outside in the hallway.

“Turn that damn thing off! You got me killed!”

Brooke had her earbuds in and was shaking her butt to her music—probably some sort of girly pop crap—as she vacuumed, her back to Gabe, oblivious to his entrance. She wore a pink sleeveless top, the neck cut low to let her boyfriend ogle to his delight. Gabe couldn’t imagine their dad approved of the shorts she was wearing, either. Tiny, jean shorts cut so scandalously small they were barely more than underwear. She might as well have been bottomless. Gabe shuddered at the thought.

Gabe stormed over to the outlet where the vacuum was plugged in. It was an old cord, slightly frayed. He yanked it out of the socket. The vacuum died. Brooke looked down at it. Flicked the switch a few times, then turned to follow the cord. When she saw Gabe standing there with the cord in hand she rolled her eyes and removed her earbuds.

“Um, I was in the middle of something,” she said snottily.

“Yeah, me too. I can’t hear anything with you vacuuming.”

“I’ll be done in a minute. If you weren’t so gross maybe it wouldn’t take so long.”

“Me?” Gabe squeaked, his grip tightening on the cord. “Miles isn’t coming into my room to try to touch my tits.”

She sneered at him, hand on hip. “Ew. You are sooo gross. Is that all you think about? Or are you just jealous because no one wants to touch your brains?”

“What does that even mean?” Gabe scoffed.

“At least I have a boyfriend. Not just my hand and some dumb bimbos on the internet. Which everyone can hear you watching by the way.”

The world flashed red in front of Gabe’s eyes. “You’re just jealous because you’re not even smart enough to be a dumb bimbo.”

“Plug it in, creep.”

“No. You’re done.”

“I said plug. It. In.” She glared at him.

“Make me.” Gabe stuck his tongue out.

Brooke let go of the vacuum and advanced on him. He stepped back, raising the cord above his head. She grabbed for him and he tried to twist out of her way. She managed to snag his shirt and yank him towards her. Her nails raked his skin as she clawed at his arm, practically climbing up his body until she grabbed his hand and pulled it towards her to pry his fingers open. The whole time Gabe kept trying to twist and dodge out of her grip but then she sank her nails into his arm and he yowled and dropped the cord.

Brooke gathered it up and plugged it in. Gabe yanked it out. Brooke punched him in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him, and grabbed the cord back. She plugged it in. Gabe went to pull the plug out and she grappled with him. The two siblings flailed and swatted at each other, each yanking on the cord, the prongs sliding in and out of the outlet. Brooke had her hand on the end of the plug, Gabe’s hand on top of hers, when she jammed it into the outlet and there was a bright spark. A flash of pain. A yelp. Then blackness.

Read the rest on Body Swap Stories and Smashwords.

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