
No cap today, just a discussion. (First, to Brad, I got your requests don’t worry, I’ll get to it next time I’m in a ‘request mood’ I promise.)

Got this today from “Jack”:

Sorry this is a question I have. Is this considered homosexual or heterosexual erotica. Thank you.

Not to worry, Jack, I’ve often thought about this myself.

Speaking for myself I’d say what I do is absolutely heterosexual erotica, although these types of bodyswapping themes are usually lumped under a ‘transgender’ heading, and while it may be the closest definition, for me it’s not very apt. When I write about men becoming women in my stories I think you’ll agree it’s a very male mindset of female sexuality. In fact, I think sometimes it borders on the misogynistic, especially with my possession caps, where it’s all about being in control of the woman’s body and making her do things she doesn’t want to do. I know at times I’ve made myself uncomfortable writing them when I see how much of the eroticism comes from the use of force and control but I guess that’s where the sexual fantasy elements come in, exploring the distance between real life and fantasy. I’m sure half the women who read 50 Shades of Grey would balk were they to be introduced to those S&M elements in real life, but in erotica the boundaries are diminished.

In my real life I’m a heterosexual guy and homosexual fantasies don’t turn me on, nor do I want to actually become a woman. It just turns me on to imagine having sex as a woman, and idealized sex as a woman at that. There’s a strain of thought that says maybe this fantasy is just an expression of being closeted and putting oneself in a woman’s body is a way to allow sex with a man, but I don’t buy that. Certainly not for me and definitely not for everyone.

Other TG Captioners come at it from a different place and I think it’s a very diverse community. Some do write what I would consider homosexual TG erotica, although when you start to drill down into the definition of male and female genders and gay and straight sexuality in this sub-genre of literature, trying to pin down what homosexual erotica is will just make your head hurt.

But the short answer is I do consider my captions and stories heterosexual erotica. It is, after all, women having sex with men, even if the woman is being inhabited by a man’s thoughts.

Comments? Thoughts? Has everyone checked out by now and moved on to a caption post?



    1. I know there’s a lot of controversy about the use of the term autogynophelia, mostly due to (I think) Blanchard’s insistence that all individuals who display these fetishes have some degree of transgender issues and the idea that it’s a condition that needs to be cured. If these comments are anything to go by I’m not alone in thinking body swaps are purely sexual fantasies for the majority of my readers, not some symptom of gender dysmorphia.

  1. For me it’s never been about gay or straight, the thought of jumping from body to body or just into a different one is what does it for me. The plus is always if it’s making the girl act in ways she normally wouldn’t. I’ve classified myself as a sadist, but I don’t think everyone who thinks this way is a sadist necessarily. Keep up the captions, yours is one of the few sites I look at daily for new content.

    ~A Fan

    1. Agreed, jumping from body to body has always been hot and I’ve thought about it ever since I was a kid. Like a lot of guys it was probably the tv show ‘Quantum Leap’ that really got me into it. I’d always watch waiting for one of the few when he’d jump into a woman’s body. Now of course I have the internet.

  2. I am of the same mindset, I’m not gay and am not turned on by that kind of stuff. But I enjoy this. Part of it is curiosity, wondering what it is like to have sex as a woman and being treated like one. I have sometimes wondered if there is an element of being in control of a woman as a sex partner. Men know what men like and can act out their ideal sexual partner. As a man, I look at women with a great admiration and it can be appealing to be at the other end of that admiration or rather become that object of admiration. I imagine that anyone observing me watching this kind of stuff would assume I am gay or have some sort of unrecognized homosexual attraction. I wondered about this for years, but have found that I am in no way gay or even bi. That may not be true for everyone here, but I am a comfortable and confident heterosexual male who enjoys heterosexual sex. Perhaps as an ideal, This kind of stuff goes beyond objectifying women as sex objects as a man seeks to explore the woman as a sexual human being with depth and emotions. Some of These stories explore the personhood of a woman rather than objects of pure lust. Thank you for opening this discussion.

    1. matt- There is an element of being an object of admiration in all this. It’s not all objectification, but like everybody I have moods. I try to balance out my stories with a mixture of forced and voluntary, and accidental and intentional because at various times I’m into different things.

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