Pills to Pay the Bills

A husband and wife use special pills to transform themselves and carry on secret careers in the porn industry in Pills to Pay the Bills, available only on Body Swap Stories or Smashwords.

Jonah and Kim seem like the typical suburban couple. Decent house. Run-of-the-mill careers in some office. Two normal kids. But every day they go out to a storage container and take some special pills that transform them into porn stars.

Jonah becomes a hot Black MILF named Jasmine Starr, while Kim becomes a sexy stud named Hot Rod. It’s just two of the many characters they secretly become to film several scenes a day for their actual careers.

But it could all come to a screeching halt when their son discovers the secret and swallows a pill before they can stop him. With the next porn shoot imminent, they’ll have to teach him how to be — and how to be taken by — someone else.

Jonah plopped his briefcase on the kitchen floor and hurried to the refrigerator. He threw open the door and fumbled around for his breakfast, knocking the container of butter to the floor in his haste. He picked it up and set it back on the counter, silently swearing as he grabbed a paper towel and tried to clean up the spill. Jonah’s teenage son, Nick, sat at the table, watching with bemusement as his dad made a mess of the kitchen.

There was the clicking of high heels coming down the hardwood stairs and then Kim appeared around the corner. She made a quick survey of the mess, sighed and took the paper towel from her husband. Hiking up her gray skirt, she squatted down to calmly and efficiently clean up the mess. Jonah finished making his toast and ate it in four quick bites with no further incident.

“Come on, we’re going to be late,” Jonah said, brushing crumbs off his suit and into the sink.

Kim was rummaging around in the fridge and she came up with a carton of yogurt. “We’ll be fine. Calm down.”

Kim grabbed a spoon out of the drawer and began to methodically make her standard yogurt and granola breakfast. Jonah practically hopped from foot to foot as he waited impatiently.

“Geez, what’s the hurry, dad?” Nick asked from behind his bowl of cereal.

“Uh, there’s a big meeting today. The director doesn’t want us to be late.”

Kim cocked her head and shot Jonah a look that Nick couldn’t decipher.

“What?” Jonah asked. “The director of operations.”

Kim shook her head, her shiny black hair jiggling down her cheeks, and took another bite of yogurt. “Calm down,” she repeated, “You’re making me nervous.”

Nick’s parents had always been complete opposites in every way. Jonah was burly and hairy, with a gut that was starting to protrude over his belt and a bald spot starting to take out his curly blonde hair. He was almost always on edge and had a near phobia about being late. Kim was tall, slender, and dark haired. The Morticia to his Gomez. She was much more reserved and the organizer of the two.

“Yeah, dad,” Nick chimed in, “Listen to your boss. Calm down.”

Nick thought it so weird that his parents worked at the same company. He didn’t quite understand what they did there; he zoned out when they launched into technical jargon. Then again, his mom was apparently his dad’s boss and got to order him around all day. Nick didn’t understand how that could possibly work out. Talk about bringing your work home with you.

“Ok, let’s go,” Kim said, setting her bowl and spoon in the sink.

Jonah picked up his briefcase and ruffled Nick’s hair. “Happy birthday, champ. See you tonight. We’ve got a surprise for you.”

Kim picked up her purse and kissed Nick on the cheek. “Have a good day, sweetie.”

“You too,” Nick mumbled.

Kim and Jonah swept out the door. Jonah tossed his briefcase into the backseat then sat behind the wheel as Kim slipped into the passenger seat. As Jonah started the car and pulled out of the garage Kim glanced at the dashboard clock.

“We’ll be fine. We just won’t have time to ease into it.”

“But I like that part.”

“I know, hon,” Kim patted him on the leg, “But you like the other parts, too. And it’s a big day ahead.”

“Yeah,” Jonah grinned.

The pep talk didn’t stop Jonah from speeding up just in time to squeeze through two yellow lights. They arrived at the storage yard in record time and pulled up to their unit, parking right in front of the metal roller door. Jonah punched his code into the keypad (the month and year of his birth—easy to remember) and the roller door retracted up with a groan. Jonah and Kim ducked in before it was halfway open, then Jonah pushed the green button on the wall to close it again.

The inside of the storage shed resembled the backstage of a small theater. The area was small and crammed with furniture. Three mismatched wardrobes sat against the far wall, each holding a variety of suits and gowns and casual wear for both men and women. A little white vanity with a few drawers and a large mirror was pushed against one of the side walls, leaving only a small path to walk through.

Jonah hurried to the vanity and opened the bottom drawer. There were two plastic pill boxes inside: one with blue pills and one with pink. The days of the week that had once been printed on each compartment had been replaced with printed labels showing seven different names.

“Who are we this morning?” Jonah asked.

“Let’s see.” Kim flipped through her phone. “You’re Jasmine Starr and I’m, ugh, Hot Rod.”

“You picked the name,” Jonah chuckled as he pulled a pink pill from the compartment labeled “J Star” and a blue one from the compartment labeled “Hot Rod”. He handed the blue pill to Kim.

“Yeah, it’s not the name, so much,” Kim said as she began stripping naked, “It’s just so exhausting being him. And we’ve got a busy day.”

She hung up her clothes on a rack in one of the wardrobes as Jonah undressed and did the same. Then they swallowed their pills and waited. It didn’t take long.

Jonah’s hair began growing, his bald plate filling in with thick, lustrous black hair that grew longer and silkier until it spilled down over his shoulders. His face tickled as his features rearranged themselves, his Patrician nose growing rounder and flatter, his stubble disappearing, his cheeks rounding out and his eyes growing wider. At the same time, his skin seemed to tan quickly from a pasty white to a deep mocha brown.

A husband and wife use special pills to transform themselves and carry on secret careers in the porn industry in Pills to Pay the Bills, available only on Body Swap Stories or Smashwords.

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