New way to make requests

Let’s try out something new and see how it works. There’s a different way to request stories! I’ve been inundated with requests and a lot have gotten buried in my inbox and never answered and then forgotten by me and now the requestor has a grudge. But that stops now!

If you want a guaranteed caption you can now order off my Fiverr page. Captions or stories ordered through that link will get written within 3 days. Yes, it costs money but check this out: submit the pic of your choice, submit the names and situations of your choice, etc., it’s YOUR story and you WILL get an answer! I will NOT post personal pictures on the website and if I do post the caption I’ll change all identifying details.

All requests through this Fiverr page get first priority. Otherwise, you can make requests through the current page and there may be a chance I’ll get to it.

This will also help pay for the hosting for this site and weekly captions will still happen. PLUS, an all new story coming soon!

Thanks for reading and commenting!


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