Hmm. Idunno. Let some bent pig who might not even keep his end of the deal use me for his own pleasure on the chance he’ll keep his word? Or just sit in the cell enticing him with the prospect of doing time as an object of lesbian lust in the women’s correctional? Yeah, I think Kyle is right!
And just letting you know, M; Both the title and the “Read more” links for “My Wife” are giving a “404 Not Found” error.
Hmm. Idunno. Let some bent pig who might not even keep his end of the deal use me for his own pleasure on the chance he’ll keep his word? Or just sit in the cell enticing him with the prospect of doing time as an object of lesbian lust in the women’s correctional? Yeah, I think Kyle is right!
And just letting you know, M; Both the title and the “Read more” links for “My Wife” are giving a “404 Not Found” error.
Fixed, thanks!
Very hot! I’m sure he made the right choice in the end! đŸ˜‰