Girls will be other girls

Request: I see a lot of specific requests for certain scenarios from people. My comment is not so my a request, as it is admiration for your work and your style of writing such incredible and twisted fantasy caps. One thing i did want to add is that I really miss your f2f work. They were always so fun with one-sided swaps where one woman took advantage of another. I guess that kind of counts as a generic request 🙂

Thanks! You’re right, I have been neglecting the f2f caps lately. Sometimes you get stuck in a pattern and don’t even realize it. This cap should start to change that.

Jenny Glam


  1. Swap class is not like the Great Shift.
    You get to pick who you become, and you don’t stay as that Human, and it is made to learn about the other Gender. Only one way to remain the person that you became. You may go to 18 years of Prison for it if you live in Michigan.

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