
Request: Hi big fan, I love all of your body theft and stuck posts. I was wondering if you could one like Caller ID theft but when they switch the other person hangs up leaving the first person in the body they stole, before they can call back the husband comes home forces them into sex, cumming in their new body trapping them forever

A married man gets pills that can transform him into a curvy woman and uses them to become an online sensation in Side Hustle, available on Smashwords, Amazon, or wherever ebooks are sold. Preview here.


    1. It’s a trope of the genre. I think it ties into the themes of loss of control and being punished (or “punished”), or being forced to partake in activities you’re not supposed to enjoy but secretly long for that are so prevalent within the body swap niche. I’ve been moving away from it in my stories but it’s a convenient shorthand for captions so that the thief ends up stuck in the body s/he’s stolen. The punishment fits the crime, too much of a good thing, etc.

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