Complete control

Lupita adjusted the necklace between her fantastic new breasts. As long as she wore it her daughter’s soul would be trapped inside and Lupita would be in complete control of this nubile young body.
Lupita hadn’t been a good mother. She’d been strict, controlling her daughter’s diet and forcing an exercise regimen upon her, all for the day where she turned 21 and Lupita was finally able to take over her body.
“Happy birthday, my lovely,” Lupita said to her beautiful but meek daughter as she revealed the necklace. “This has been handed down through my family for generations, and now it’s yours,” she lied.
Her daughter took it, dumbstruck at receiving such a seemingly important family heirloom. The instant she clasped it around her neck, Lupita’s consciousness jumped into her body. As Lupita’s old body slumped, lifeless, on the kitchen table, the new Lupita took the time to admire her new body. She stripped off her shirt and examined her lovely curves. God, how long had it been since she’d been so young and beautiful?
Lupita pet the necklace that contained her daughter’s soul. It was a shame that people had to suffer in the world so that others could get what they deserved. But Lupita was never one to be a sufferer, she preferred to be a taker. And now she was about to embark on a whole new life in a perfect body.

In Chapter 3 of this serial where Eric’s mom has swapped their bodies to teach him a lesson, Eric’s mom starts using him to fulfill her new body’s desires. This is too taboo for Amazon and available only on Body Swap Stories and Smashwords.


  1. I can’t get your RSS feed to work. The lastest post it will load is April 13. Nothing after that coming through. I’ve tried it in both Feedly and Newsify with the same results. Any clue why?

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