
Request: Loved the other request of mine you fulfilled a while back! Could you do one where a wife wants to swap with her husband (before or in the middle of sexy time) but accidentally swap with her son instead?

The swap brothel offers a chance for people to temporarily become any of the girls on offer for a price. Tyler’s been a regular for months, swapping into his favorite big breasted beauty, Mia, and enjoying himself. But one day while he’s inside Mia she escapes with his body, leaving him trapped in her gorgeous body until the police can find her. Can he escape before her desires become his own? Available on Smashwords, Amazon, or wherever ebooks are sold. Preview here.


  1. Amazing description as always. Thing is, will they swap back after what he’s just experienced? And will his dad, if he finds out, prefer his son in his wife’s sexy bod?

    1. This needs to be the premise of the part 2. The dad has to prefer it and really like it, and the son Loves it.

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