Sam had built a time travel machine, but it couldn’t project matter back in time, only the energy of his thoughts. He was able to transfer his mind back into history, ending up in someone else’s body. His first test of the technology was to use it to right an error in his own past.
He projected his mind 12 years into the past to chase after Brianna. His college crush. The one that got away because he was young and dumb and afraid of articulating his true feelings for her. This time he would have his mature brain in his younger body and be able to do everything he’d mused about over the years.
But there was a mistake in his projections. Instead of ending up in his own younger body, he ended up in Brianna’s body. When the world righted itself, Sam found himself wearing a pink cami and tiny blue shorts. He gaped down at his body, finding the pillowy breasts, hourglass figure, and incredible ass that belonged to Brianna.
He was sitting beside his younger body. They were in his old dorm, watching a movie together on an old couch. It was the night he could have changed everything. He’d been sure Brianna had wanted him but he hadn’t made a move, even missing some of her more obvious signals.
Well, Sam’s plan hadn’t worked out as intended but he could still achieve his goal. he snuggled closer to his former body, lay his head on his old shoulder. But his old body was too paralyzed by fear to make a move.
After the movie, Sam’s younger self walked him back to the dorm. Halfway up the stairs, Sam turned, aware that the skirt was hiking up over his ass, giving his younger self an eyeful. He smiled invitingly, and when even that failed to elicit a response, Sam grabbed his younger hand and pulled him up to his room. Sam had to make the first move, but after that, his younger self was only too happy to join in.
There was no way back to the future but to live one day at a time as Brianna. But that was fine with Sam. He got to explore every inch of her body, and become closer to her than he’d ever dreamed.
Body Switch Collection 18, available now on Body Swap Stories, Smashwords, or Amazon.