
A young man and his friend swap bodies with an entitled mother and her stuck-up daughter and have some sexy fun in Entitled, available on Body Swap Stories or Smashwords.

Max’s life is going nowhere. He’s stuck working as a cashier when a former classmate, Lacy, and her mom, Shannon, run into him. They’re rich and entitled and they make Max so jealous. But everything changes when Max finds a magic coin that swaps him and Shannon into each other’s bodies.

Now Max is determined to make the most of it. To enjoy being rich and pampered. To be able to run his hands over his sexy new body whenever he wants. Max brings his buddy, Eli, in on the action, swapping Eli into Lacy’s body. Together, they set out to enjoy some mother and daughter pleasure.

Max wasn’t even halfway through his shift and already the incessant beeping of the scanner as he scanned each customer’s groceries was getting to him. He fixed a polite smile on his face, managing to keep it frozen there even as one customer disputed the sale price on a bag of chips and another argued that a coupon should still be valid even if it had expired yesterday. In Max’s opinion this was nonsensical and, if that was the case, why bother to have expiration dates at all?

Max wasn’t even allowed to sit down while manning the register. He supposed he was lucky that he was young and this was only a temporary job to help put himself through college. Unlike Marjorie on the next register who had to come out of retirement to work this minimum wage job after her husband had gambled away their savings.

That was the other thing about this job. His coworkers were mostly old and kind of pathetic. And he couldn’t connect with the younger ones. Certainly no one appreciated his pranks, like when he convinced Jenny it was casual dress day and she almost got fired because she wasn’t wearing her uniform. Or the time he made up a fake employee procedures manual and slipped it to Matt, who then got berated for washing each individual orange in the crate. On both accounts Max explained what he’d done to the manager and they both had a good laugh over it. Well, Max had a good laugh. The manager – another old sad sack – mostly just shook her head and told him not to do it again. The manager thought she looked like his son so she always let him off lightly. As far as Max was concerned, that meant she enjoyed his pranks. Jenny and Matt, on the other hand, avoided him after that because they couldn’t take a joke.

What was more galling was that, even with his employee discount, he would have gone broke grocery shopping at this fancy grocery store. He envied the people who didn’t bat an eye at paying four times as much for tomatoes just because the word ‘organic’ was splashed all over the store. Or those who bought the expensive imported spaghetti even though there was no discernible difference between that and the bottom shelf stuff that Max bought. Or the entitled attitude he got from people who refused to treat him like a human simply because he was standing behind a register and serving them.

But it was all necessary to get by. Max’s parents had divorced, and had very little money to begin with, leaving Max to try to put himself through college while keeping his grades up enough to maintain his scholarship. That meant that his entire life consisted of work, study and sleep. Occasionally he would hang with his best friend, Eli. Other than that, the pranks were his only outlet.

He pushed his glasses up each time they slid down, the tape scratching uncomfortably against the bridge of his nose. They’d snapped just that morning. Another unexpected expense he couldn’t really afford to take care of at the moment. Dark circles under his eyes were evidence that he’d stayed up to study biology the night before. He’d finished the exam and taken the bus straight to the store (well, he did have to transfer buses in there) just in time to start his mid-morning changeover shift. Throwing on his collared work shirt in the bathroom, he’d then hurredly combed his dark brown hair, swooping it across his forehead and plastering it down with water from the sink until it stayed in place.

He wasn’t at his most presentable, which was way he was especially dismayed to see the two people next in line: Lacy and Shannon.

Lacy was a slender blonde about Max’s age and obviously bored out of her mind to be here. She was completely oblivious to her surroundings, her clear blue eyes focused on the phone in front of her sculpted nose. Her blond hair was back in a ponytail that bounced down her neck. She wore an outfit that probably cost the same amount that Max made in a week and composed of less material than his average shirt: Hip-hugging pink shorts. A gauzy white top that did nothing to obscure the dark tube top beneath, which in turn supported two incredible breasts. She still looked as athletic and trim as she did in high school.

Shannon was Lacy’s mom, a late-thirties version of her daughter with buoyant breasts visible beneath her low-slung top. Her straight, silky hair was a darker shade of blonde and exquisitely styled in an uneven bob that allowed it to fall partially over her right eye. She wore three-quarter length leggings that clung to her shapely figure and grabbable hips.

Lacy had been a majorette while Max had been in marching band back in high school. Though the two groups practiced together, they rarely socialized together. She was way out of Max’s league – too snobby, too pretty, too rich, too popular – but the image of her dancing gracefully around the field, flipping and tossing her batons into the air, was burned into Max’s mind.

Shannon had volunteered as a chaperone whenever the band went on a trip. Max had once seen her getting out of a hotel swimming pool, clad into a one-piece suit that held all her curves perfectly in place, water streaming down her body. God, her breasts had looked magnificent pressed together beneath that slick fabric. That, too, was burned into Max’s mind and served as the capper to many late night fantasy sessions. In his wilder moments he even imagined mother and daughter going at it.

He tamped the thought down before his body had any embarrassing response, and focused on scanning the groceries. Not that it took much focus. But it let him keep his head down. Neither of them seemed to recognize him at first and he thought he’d gotten away with it until Shannon handed him her rewards card to scan.

“You were in the marching band weren’t you?” Shannon asked. “Mike, was it?”

Max blushed, glancing quickly at Lacy, who was ignoring everything. “Max,” Max mumbled. Maybe those fantasies were still front and center in his mind because looking at Shannon he heard a steady drumbeat in his head: She’s so hot.  She’s so hot. She’s so hot.

And she was. He much preferred her mature beauty to Lacy’s young, careless good looks. He felt lost in her eyes and didn’t know what else to say.

“Right. Max. Sorry,” She laughed tinkling laughter. “You played tuba didn’t you?”

Max nodded. He thought that would be the extent of the humiliation but Shannon turned to her daughter. “Lacy, do you remember Max from the marching band?”

Lacy looked up at him with suspicion and shook her head. “No.”

Of course she didn’t. They’d only been on the same field practicing together every fall and winter for three years! Lacy was just as snobby – and just as hot – as she’d always been.

Read the rest on Body Swap Stories or Smashwords.


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