If you like my captions you can find my huge collection of books available for purchase on Amazon or Smashwords or wherever ebooks are sold!
Looking for something more? Try these:
Caption Sites:
Mostly Just Swap Caps (hot captions, highly recommended)
Carly’s Captions (if you like my caps you’ll enjoy these)
Twisted TG (interesting ideas and good twists on familiar themes)
The Swapping Grounds (hot, shorter captions)
TG Swapping Caps (good all around, has great series)
Some TG Caps (hit and miss but updated daily, mostly softcore)
Open TG Captions (a caption site where anyone can post, not the easiest to search and sometimes the links to the pics break but there are some gems in there)
Lady Valiant (Long running body swapping superhero comic, plus more comics and links!)
Story Sites:
Huge Caption Link Site:
World of TG (Links to all things TG: captions, stories, news, etc.)
Have you seen the Reddit page?