1. Hey, M;

    I’ve posted a continuation page of Dan’s first day as a bodyhopper, (linked below), and will send you the next one to post when I have it done. But, I’d like to know your preference for the names of our hero(ine)’s other family members before I get too far along. I’m planning on a fairly twisted afternoon for Dan.


    Peace,Love&Kisses from one of your fans!

    1. How about a sister named Kate and Dan’s mom named Lauren? With a dad named Rick? Make it as twisted as you like, can’t wait!

  2. O.K., M; I hope you don’t mind, but I was playing with ideas for putting something together that might give more detail about what Dan did for the rest of the day he first managed to body-hop successfully.

    So, if you, or any of your reader’s who’ve been asking for more of Dan’s initial explorations as a body-hopper, would like to offer some names for the other members of Dan’s family, I’d like to know so they can be included into the story (-ies)

    In particular, the names of Dan’s mom (unless you’d like to keep hers “Brandi”, the same as this magnificent, mature mode)l & dad would be helpful in composing some of the pages I have in mind. But, please, don’t take too long in giving your input.

    (re-posted in “Second Time…”” comments)


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